Monthly Archive January 31, 2016

How to Get Rid of Black Spots on Your Face Naturally?

Black spots on face doesn’t look good, this is the plain truth. We get the color of our skin due to the pigmented skin cells known as melanocytes. Sometimes, these melanocytes gather in some of the areas of the skin in higher amounts. These areas of skin then become darker or get black and dark spots. There may be many causes for black spots on your face. Hormonal imbalance is one of them. Sometimes, dark spots are due to some blood vessel deformities under the skin where these black spots appear on your face. However, excessive sun exposure seems to be the biggest reason behind dark black spots on face. Sun exposure can give you age spots, also known as liver spots, by damaging the pigment-producing melanocytes in your skin and leading to its higher production. The good news is that you can get rid of black spots on your face caused by such reasons other than hormones and blood vessel deformities! While there are many skin cosmetics such as hydroquinone cream, tretinoin cream and azelaic acid cream as well as various skin treatments like chemical peels and intense pulsed light therapy, we are going to talk about the all natural ways to get rid of these black spots on your face. Yes, we would discuss some excellent home remedies for black spots on your face!

1. Lemon Juice for Black Spots on Your Face

Lemon juice has loads of citric acid in it and this acid has great beauty benefits. Citric acid not only helps shed dead skin cells but also lead to growth of new cells, giving you a brighter skin. This alleviates the problems of age spots along with acne scars, wrinkles and uneven tone and texture of your skin. This remedy may, however, give you a slight burning, tingling, and temporary redness. To see whether you can tolerate this acid, test with some lemon juice in your inner elbow skin. If its all right even after 8-12 hours, go ahead with this remedy to get rid of black spots on your face.

Get this:

  • Lemon juice
  • Cotton ball

Do this:

  • Pour some lemon juice on the cotton ball.
  • Now apply this juice to your black spots.
  • Let it dry off on its own.
  • Wash your face with water and moisturize it.

Do not step out in sun after applying lemon juice as it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun rays that can further damage your skin.







