Why Us

  1. Chronic illnesses, energy paths and acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a specially designed way to treat a number of ailments and is quite effective. It produces positive results and improvements in less time. According to its practitioners, it is an energy medicine and it can be used to treat over a thousand conditions, chronic illnesses included.
    Chronic illnesses that can benefit greatly from acupuncture include:
    •    Lupus
    •    Multiple sclerosis
    •    depression
    •    Fibromyalgia
    •    Chronic fatigue syndrome

    The above list is not all inclusive but consists of the main health problems that can benefit greatly from acupuncture. In traditional Chinese medicine, the doctor finds the cause of ailments rather than treating the symptoms. By unearthing the paths that are blocked and out of balance organs, an acupuncturist works to open the energy pathways, while at it rebalancing the patient’s chi (Qi).

  2. Should you turn to acupuncture to help treat your illness?

    Like mentioned above, acupuncture is a Chinese practice whose results are based on thousand of years of Chinese history. As such, it does help in bringing out better health results and improved quality of life. It is however important to realize that like in any other health condition, there is no sure-fire cure in chronic illnesses treatment. As a patient suffering from whichever health complications, it is up to you to seek out the right avenues of relief. Discuss in details any treatment options you are thinking of settling for with your main health care provider.

  3. What kind of an acupuncturist should you settle for?

    Like for all other health care providers, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, acupuncturists included need to be carefully researched on or vetted before settling for any. Remember that all traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are not the same as some are better at what they do than the others. This said, the most experienced among them offer the best services in their field of specialization. Not only this, they are able to competently diagnose different health issues and complications and then offer tailor made treatments for each to patients who come calling. They have an innate ability to practice Chinese medicine to its fullest potential.The best among the practitioners utilize unique strategies to diagnose diseases or ailments and then create specific herb formulas based on specific patient’s needs. This assures great success rates in whichever case is brought to them. The age of patients who comes calling for their special treatment services range from the very young to extremely elderly ones.

    All in all, the right and thus best traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to settle for are the state licensed ones. These normally are members of traditional Chinese medicine associations, for instance World Acupuncture Organization. Not only this, they have relevant qualifications, for instance degrees in Eastern medicine and the likes that make them experts in their area of specialization.