Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage in all its various forms is an excellent, non-invasive, gentletherapy that aids relaxation, alleviates mental stress and can help to relieve the everyday discomfort of overworked muscles, strained joints and ligaments and different types of chronic aches and pains. If massage therapy starts soon after injury it can also help limit scar tissue and prevent other muscles from overcompensating for the trauma-affected joint.

What to expect during your treatment

At the Best of Chinese Medicine Clinic we offer walk-in massage sessions that combine various massage techniques, including shiatsu therapy. At your first consultation, we will take a confidential medical health history so that we are fully aware of your current state of health and of any previous illnesses, injuries or traumas that need to be taken into account (eg, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, etc). We will also need to know about any drugs and medications you are taking, and will conduct a physical examination to see if there are any other underlying conditions that you may not be aware of. All of these assessments are to ensure that we offer you safe, appropriate types of massage therapy that can best alleviate whatever discomfort you are experiencing.


Once we have established your medical history, you will be invited into our warm, comfortable, quiet and private massage room and asked to undress. You can remove as little or as much clothing as you wish – although massage is generally most effective when it can be carried out directly on the body itself, rather than through the obstruction of clothes. You will be covered with a sheet and blanket at all times, and the only exposed part of the body will be the area that is being massage so that your whole body will never all be exposed at any one time.


We will offer the type/s of massage technique that we believe are most appropriate for the condition you would like to relieve. This could include aromatherapy, trigger point therapy, hydrotherapy, Swedish massage, fascia (connective tissue) techniques and/or Shiatsu massage.