
More Information on Hydrolyzed Clinoptilolite Fragments:

In 1974 the World Health Organization had stated that approximately 84% of all chronic diseases are created by environmental toxins. Over the past 40 years this number has increased dramatically. Heavy metal toxicity is one of the major epidemics of this lifetime.

Heavy metals like mercury and aluminum are neurotoxins and lipophilic, meaning they prefer to be stored in fats and in the brain and central nervous system. Other chemicals and toxins end up in other areas in the body. Whether it is lead and strontium 90 in your bones or cesium 137 in our heart, they continue to be major underlying issues.

The History of Zeolite In the Environment
Zeolite is known as nature’s detoxifier for the environment. From a ‘birds-eye’ perspective, this mineral, zeolite clinoptilolite is formed from volcanic ash mixing in sea water and fossilizing to create a honey comb porous cage structure with a natural negative charge. This natural structure acts like a sieve for toxins in the environment.

In the last decade, the use of zeolites has become more advanced than ever in the natural health field with great results and research. Internal benefits have become more prominent with the use of micronized powders and water suspensions. Imagine having the power of this mineral that moves beyond your mouth, stomach and colon.

Hydrolyzed Clinoptilolite Fragments™ (HCF)
Recently, a patented proprietary process has been introduced and scientifically proven to hydrolyze the zeolite. This process creates Hydrolyzed Clinoptilolite Fragments that are pure water-soluble particles of the natural crystal structure which are small enough to permeate the cell membrane and blood-brain barrier.*

This process of hydrolysis is proven with the highest levels of pharmaceutical science. Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy analysis has proven the particles created are water soluble and range in size between 218 and 620 daltons. More than 10 times smaller than is allowable to cross a mitochondrial membrane.* Also, the CytoDetox solution has been tested for heavy metals and contains no free aluminum or heavy metal contaminates.